3 Reasons To Get A Breast Reduction

When people think of cosmetic surgery for the breasts, they may first think of breast augmentation surgery. However, breast reduction surgeries have also been on the rise in recent years and can have significant mental and physical benefits for women. If you have large breasts that are too big for your frame and are causing health or confidence issues, it's time to look into having a breast reduction. Here are three of the biggest reasons to get this procedure.

Your Large Breasts Are Causing Pain

One of the biggest reasons to get a breast reduction is that overly large breasts can cause significant physical pain. You may find that your back, neck, and even your shoulders are almost always painful, despite wearing a high-quality bra.

This pain may increase over time and have a serious impact on your quality of life. For these reasons, you may find that you are much happier and more physically comfortable after you have a breast reduction procedure.

You Feel Too Self-Conscious

A less tangible but still important reason to consider a breast reduction is that your large breasts simply make you feel too self-conscious. If your breasts are out of proportion to the rest of your body, you may not like the way clothes look on you. You may also feel like you get too much attention for your breasts and that this makes you feel uncomfortable.

In this case, getting a breast reduction may help you feel much more comfortable with your body. Even simple activities like shopping for new clothes will be more fun.

You Struggle To Exercise

Another sign that you are a great candidate for breast reduction is if you struggle to exercise because your large breasts make doing so painful. When a woman's breasts are too large for her frame, she may experience pain any time she attempts to run, jump, or perform high-impact exercise, even while wearing a supportive sports bra.

If you avoid exercise because of your large breasts, you are missing out on many health benefits and may struggle to manage your weight. After your breast reduction, you will likely find it much easier to embrace a workout routine.

If you think you would benefit from breast reduction surgery, it's time to schedule a consultation. At this appointment, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your current breast size, listen to your concerns, and make recommendations for your surgery.

For more information on breast reduction, contact a professional near you.
