4 Reasons To Get A Breast Reduction

Having large breasts is often touted as the ideal in popular culture, but many women know that it can cause many problems. If you suffer from physical or emotional discomfort due to the size of your breasts, a breast reduction can help. It's a safe procedure that can help you become happy with your body once again. Here are four reasons to get a breast reduction:

1. Eliminate back pain.

Many women with large breasts report chronic back pain. This pain can be debilitating, keeping you from doing the things you love. You can take over-the-counter painkillers to help reduce the pain, but taking these drugs too often can damage your liver and stomach. Over time, the weight of your breasts can lead to slouching and poor posture which can cause other back problems down the line. A breast reduction can reduce the weight you're carrying on your chest, which can eliminate your back pain and postural issues.

2. Find clothing more easily.

Women with large breasts often have a hard time finding clothes that fit. You may be frustrated with the way button down shirts gape over your chest. You may also be tired of not being able to wear certain items of clothing for fear that it will look too revealing due to the size of your breasts. After a breast reduction, you'll be able to wear the clothes that feel good to you, without having to worry about accommodating your breasts.

3. Feel more confident.

Some women feel uncomfortable with the kind of attention they receive due to their large breasts. If you feel self-conscious in public because you're concerned that people are staring at your chest, a breast reduction can help you. During a breast reduction, your plastic surgeon can reduce your breasts to a size that you feel comfortable with. After your procedure, you may find that you feel more confident in your daily life.

4. Participate in sports.

Unfortunately, large breasts can make it difficult to participate in some sports. Many women find that running causes pain due to breast movement, even while wearing sports bras. Some women resort to wearing two sports bras in order to cope, but even that may not solve the problem completely. If you're enthusiastic about athletics but your breasts are holding you back, a breast reduction may be the answer. After your reduction, you'll be able to run, lift weights, and engage in physical activities more easily.
