How Much Fat Can One Liposuction Suck?

Next to breast augmentations, liposuction procedures are the most-requested form of plastic surgery. Whether you have love handles or a "turkey gobbler" under your chin, liposuction will take care of it. Yet, you might be wondering how much fat can one liposuction suck? You may have other questions or concerns about lipo too. Here are the curious answers:

Limited Fat Removal

Surprisingly, liposuction is not the answer for people who are obese. In fact, most plastic surgeons will not perform lipo on obese people and will request/require that you lose a lot of weight before lipo is even an option. The concern here is that removing some fat will only cause your body to replace what it lost or encourage you to gain more weight.

Additionally, liposuction procedures are only legally allowed to remove a total of ten to twenty pounds, and usually not all in one area at the same time. You will also need to remove fat to create a more balanced appearance on both sides of your body. Ergo, wanting to remove fifty or more pounds from your abdomen via liposuction is not a reality.

The Whole Point to the Restrictions

When people who are heavier than expected come out of a lipo consultation, they are often upset. They want to know what the whole point to a fat-sucking surgery is if it cannot help remove their excess pounds of fat. The point is that liposuction is a cosmetic procedure, meant only to improve one's appearance when they are already at a fairly healthy weight but cannot lose stubborn pockets of fat for a leaner, more sculpted appearance.

There is also the body's natural response to losing a ton of fat really fast. It goes into "fat shock," where it realizes that the stores of fat it had to sustain you during a famine are gone. Your body goes into overdrive to convert your food into new fat to replace the missing fat, and then you end up even heavier than before.

This has been seen and proven regularly by people who were morbidly obese and then lost a hundred pounds or more in an extremely short amount of time. They regained the weight almost as quickly as it was lost, and additional weight is added to the regained amounts. Hence, the amount of fat removed by liposuction is restricted to a small amount and only on those that already have lost the weight.

For more information about liposuction, go to websites like this!
