Reasons To Consider Booking An Otoplasty Surgical Consultation

Otoplasty surgery might not have the same recognition as other cosmetic surgery procedures, such as liposuction and lip enhancement, but it can be extremely valuable for those who aren't happy with how their ears look. If your ears stick out more than average, for example, an otoplasty procedure will result in the ears being closer to the sides of your head. People of all ages can be ideal candidates for this cosmetic surgery service — whether you're a teenager who is self-conscious about his or her ears look or an adult who is looking for a change in appearance. Here are some reasons to consider booking a consultation at your local cosmetic surgery clinic.

You Try To Cover Your Ears

If your ears stick out more than you'd like, a common method that you may use to deal with your appearance is by covering them with your hair. This can certainly work — a longer hairstyle can adequately cover your ears and make their positioning less evident to those around you. However, this approach is also limiting. Regardless of your gender, it means that you can't wear your hair short, and you might start to feel silly with the same haircut year after year. If you go through otoplasty surgery, you'll be able to wear your hair however you want.

Your Ears Shake Your Confidence

It's not a good feeling to deal with a lower amount of confidence because of your appearance. However, if you're embarrassed about how your ears look, you may find that your confidence is low as a result. Having low confidence because of your appearance can impact your personal and professional lives, as well as even diminish your quality of life in severe cases. The good news is that by going through an otoplasty, you can gain a higher sense of confidence.

Your Ears Are Getting In The Way

In extreme cases, ears that extend out widely from your head may be disruptive to your lifestyle. For example, if you wear a helmet, perhaps during athletic pursuits or for your career, the helmet could put excess pressure on your ears. This could leave you sore and feeling miserable by the end of the activity or the workday. Or if you enjoy wearing a headband when you're working out, the pressure of the band could crumple your ears and cause discomfort. If you're dealing with any of these issues, an otoplasty surgical consultation is the first step you can take in relieving them.

Contact a clinic like Los Gatos Dermatology to learn about other ways you can improve your appearance.
